![]() This may sound a bit strange, but it's my opinion that the holidays 🎄are the very best time of year to work on sleep changes with your child. I know, I know. Things are busy, you’ve got shopping to do, family dinners, and parties to go to... But here are TWO reasons why you should consider this: Reason #1: The Christmas season is the ONE time of year that pretty much everyone is able to take a few days in a row off work. This is a big one, because it frees up both you AND your partner to be able to fully participate in the process. Translation: Your spouse can’t insist that he/she has to wake up early to go to work! Reason #2: You’ve usually got a lot of friends and family around... and they can help you out! If a family member is staying with you for a couple of days, feel free to ask them to take the baby out for a walk while you grab a nap during the day. Tip: I've found that friends and family respond really well to something like this... "I've been doing some research, and we've decided to make some improvements to our son/daughter's sleep. It should only take a couple of days, but do you think you could help me out by taking care of (insert needed task or help here)?" Don't hesitate to ask for a small job or two that would make your life easier. Maybe have them help with dinner or do the laundry, etc. You'd be surprised how family and friends are more than willing to help out. To get started with sleep training, be sure to have the tips that are talked about within the Night Waking webinar. These will help set the stage for sleep and begin your sleep training journey the best way possible. You can watch the webinar here. If you need more information about helping your baby sleep, use the Happy Sleeping Baby book which has everything you need to know about sleep! Learn more here. You can also the Parent Resources page for sample schedules and more tips to help your kiddo sleep! Or get in Contact here for more personalized support. I'm here to help you feel like you again! Comments are closed.