Example Schedule - Toddler
NOOO! Are you hearing this often these days? What a time for learning independence, but one thing is for sure, sleeping is not to be forgotten. It may seem like your child has a lot of energy but getting enough sleep is crucial at this age. If you are dealing with a cranky toddler, think about how much sleep they are getting. For a toddler, 1 to 3 years, they will be able to handle an awake time of 4 to 6 hours before needing sleep again.
I talk about how to help set up your baby for sleep success within my book, Happy Sleeping Baby, which you can read more about or order here. Within the book, I cover three different sleep training methods so that you can choose what's best for your family. A day with a Toddler (2 to 5 years) A two nap schedule will become a typical schedule until around 15 to 18 months when another nap is dropped. It’s still important to watch the clock and have them sleeping again around 3.5 hours. Dropping another nap varies from child to child. If you child is not sleeping for the afternoon nap or struggling to sleep, then it’s time to consider going to a one nap schedule. Awake time increases to 4 to 6 hours by 2 years old. Within my book, Happy Sleeping Baby, I explain what you can do to help improve your child's sleep. You can read more about the book or order it here. Within the book, I cover three different sleep training methods so that you can choose what's best for your family. Need personalized guidance about your child’s routine or nap schedule? If you are struggling with sleep, it might be time to look at booking a call to discuss a Personalized Happy Sleep Plan! For more guidance, get in touch here. |